
Suggestions on how to manage swap in Linux

I don't think any scheduler will help you with that. The slowness is due to the swapping in and out from the disk, and that's going to be limited by the horribly slow speed of the disk.

You could tweak things to make this a less likely ocurrence though.

Disable overcommit by echo 2 > /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory. No more OOM killer killing some random unrelated process. Memory allocations will fail and programs will be able to handle that correctly.

Set some memory limits in /etc/security/limits.conf

Avoid having too much swap space. It's awfully slow, if you're using it too much all you'll manage is to run more things slower.

Get more RAM, it's cheap. If you're regularly swapping then you definitely should.

(from a comment in this thread on /.)

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