

So what is this all about? The main purpose of this blog is to work as an easy to use/easy to browse link repository, where to store all the interesting links I encounter while I'm browsing the net, when I have no time to explore them further, or are just too cool to be lost. 

I use more than one PC so using the browser's bookmarks wouldn't do the job, especially when I use different browsers! Using the email is, as I've found out, a mess, too. I have 60 emails tagged as "links" in my inbox that are waiting to be visited. I'll probably never do.

I have this blogger account, which I opened some time ago to post on Matgala's Photoblog, but I haven't used it very much, I take less pictures than I thought. So I decided, let me try to put all those links in a blog. It's computer independant, easy to use, reliable... And incidentally, someone may find it's contents useful or amusing.

So here we are. I've just one thing to say: don't spam this blog, nobody reads it anyway. ;-)

Oh by the way, I'm Italian, so if you find my English funny, there's a reason. :-)

Have fun.

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